• Interactive online course "Trash course"

    Interactive online course "Trash course"

    This is a new EcoVisio-branded educational product that is online, free and available whenever and wherever you want in romanian and russian languages. The 10 lessons in the course are made to be understood by everyone. We want you to have fun learning and to put the ideas in the course into practice.

  • Social Entrepreneurship HUB

    SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP department in AO EcoVisio

    Social Entrepreneurship: incubator, accelerator programs, adovacy and ecosystem development - all these we are doing throught SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP HUB and PLATFORM on the development of SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN MOLDOVA

  • EcoVisio Training Center

    EcoVisio Training Center

    Our eco-center for trainings, integrated within EcoVillage Moldova (Rîșcova village), officially opened in October 2018. It offers facilities for running education and netwoking events (up to 60 people), as well as a fully-equipped kitchen, dining area, accommodation spaces and many more
  • #FărăDeșeuri


    Long-term project by EcoVisio’s Waste Management department, aiming to inform people in Moldova on the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of waste management and prevention
  • AgroVisio

    Long-term project of our Organic Agriculture department, promoting agroecology practices among Moldova’s farmers and amateur gardeners
  • Keep Cool

    Simulation board game on the effects of climate change, created in Germany and used by EcoVisio in educational activities since 2013. An online version of the game (Keep Cool Mobile) has also been developed in collaboration with EcoVisio

  • IarmarEco


    Short for ‘the Fair of Ecological Opportunities and Social Entrepreneurship’, IarmarEco is a yearly event organized by EcoVisio every autumn since 2013. For 2 days in a row, IarmarEco hosts local NGOs, farmers, handmade artists, social enterprises and socio-cultural projects in a healthy environment for communication, networking and community-growing
  • #SupportLocalBusinesses


    Promoting local producers who deliver quality, tasty and thoughtfully produced food during the COVID-19 lockdown
  • EcoVisio Greening Up

    EcoVisio Greening Up

    Consultancy for NGOs and businesses on how to implement sustainable practices in all aspects of professional activity
  • activEco


    A yearly educational program for youth, mainly from Moldova but also neighboring regions in Romania and Ukraine. Since its launch in 2013, activEco aims to empower creative and motivated people through capacity-building, by way of education, sharing experience and project work
  • ActiveCiuluc


    Project concentrated in the basin of Ciulucul Mic river, with the goal to inform local communities (public administration, pupils, individuals) about the ecological situation in the region, while taking practical steps for positive change
  • Seed It Forward

    Seed It Forward

    Agroforestry initiative active under EcoVisio’s umbrella since 2015, with the goal of growing trees and people for a greener Moldova
  • IarmarEco Regional

    IarmarEco Regional

    Since 2018, we have been supporting our program alumni in organizing events which capture the format and spirit of IarmarEco in their local communities. IarmarEco Regional has had 3 editions so far, the most recent one in the city of Bender (Transnistrian region)
  • Campaign "Moldova #FărăDeșeuri” (Without Waste)
  • Toamna Cartofilor (Potato Fest)

    Toamna Cartofilor (Potato Fest)

    An annual tradition in Rîșcova village that celebrates one of the region's most important crops, along with its people and traditions. Toamna Cartofilor is organized by Rîșcova locals with the support of EcoVisio
  • EcoVillage Moldova

    Established in 2013 by a diverse group of people sharing the vision of sustainable communal living. The EcoVillage is located in the village of Rîșcova, Criuleni district and consists of: 2 residential houses each hosting a family, a workshop building, a horse sanctuary and the EcoVisio Training Center
  • Rîșcova Forest Trail

    Rîșcova Forest Trail

    Inaugurated in the summer of 2019, the ~5 km trail connects the forest in Rîșcova village to the neighbouring district of Ivancea. It was established by EcoVisio together with the local Rîșcova community, as a way of boosting rural eco-tourism
  • ActivePeace


    In late 2018, EcoVillage Moldova became host to a small horse sanctuary, where 4 horses rescued from the slaughterhouse get to live in a loving and safe environment, in line with the principles of natural horsemanship
  • ActivePeace


    Since 2016, our ActivePeace program is developing the capacities of young people in areas such as: peace education, diversity, conflict resolution / transformation, emotional intelligence, communication, critical thinking and civic activism
  • HAIclub


    Formerly known as ‘Harap-Alb’, the HAIclub program works with young people in rural areas of Moldova as well as their teachers, creating synergies between motivating and empowering youth and the support they need from adults
  • EcoVisio Alumni

    EcoVisio Alumni

    Network of participants who ‘graduated’ one of our educational programs over the years (e.g. activEco, ActivePeace, HAIclub). Currently, EcoVisio has over 300 program alumni from all regions of Moldova, as well as Romania and Ukraine


Grassroots non-profit organization from Moldova, founded in 1999


We believe that by trying instead of giving up, by acting instead of being passive, by working together instead of alone, and by empowering each other instead of judging we can reach a critical mass and create impactful change for a better future.


Developing an ecosystem of people, initiatives and conscious practices for a healthy Moldova and a healthy Planet


Passion and meaning in what we do • professionalism and quality • transparency • caring for others • fairness/reciprocity • integrity (walk your talk) • safe space: non-violent/direct communication • horizontal relations/flexibility


We focus our work around six key areas, reflecting our growth from environmentalism to sustainable development. By linking these six areas in a holistic approach centered around people, we have a solid blueprint for achieving our vision and bringing systemic change

Our Videos

Get to know us and our work a little better by watching our videos! See below what’s new on our YouTube account or check out our video library if you’re looking for educational resources


Copyright © 2023, EcoVisio