KEEP COOL ONLINE GAME: Call for web-development company
Call for web-development company: Interface Development and Back-end Integration of online game on climate change
I. General Information
EcoVisio is announcing the call for a web-development company to update, design and develop the online version of the board game on Climate Change, which is called “Keep Cool”.
In a game of KEEP COOL, three to six players represent groups of countries such as Europe, OPEC, or the developing countries. For one to two hours they can choose between “black” and “green” growth, but also adapt to inevitable climate impacts like droughts or floods. The strength of these increases when the world temperature rises. Additionally, lobby groups like the oil industry or environmental groups have to be taken into account. The winner is the player who most efficiently reconciles climate protection with lobby interests. If some players are too ruthless, everybody loses.
The Public Association „EcoVisio” (AO “EcoVisio”) is a youth-led grassroots NGO from Moldova working in the field of environment, climate change, social entrepreneurship and civic engagement. “EcoVisio” was registered with the Ministry of Justice of Moldova in 2013.
II. Objectives
This tender concerns the purchase of services for upgrading an existing online game.
Deadline to apply: September 13, 2021, 23:59.
Deadline to implement the project: December 20, 2021.
Interested companies are invited to send their offer which will include:
- Information about the applicant: company’s name, address, contacts, e-mail, name of the responsible person (team lead) or CV of the applicant person;
- The financial offer in EUR;
- Portofolio with the examples of developed projects;
- The general plan of the work during the proposed 3 months (until December, 15, 2021).
- Rewrite the interface of the game in a modern front-end tech stack (React.js is preferred);
- Fix back-end bugs (the list will be provided);
- Integrate the back-end (written in PHP/CodeIgniter) with the new front-end through a REST API;
- Regularly push changes in small self-contained commits to the EcoVisio GitHub repository;
- Create extensive documentation of the code;
- Provide unit and integration tests for all major components of the code;
- Assistance and feedback from EcoVisio team, through a contact person
- Translation assistance. The game is in German language. The development team will have the support and assistance from a translator from German to English/Romanian
In order to understand the Keep Cool game, here is a link to a walkthrough:
III. How to apply
Offers must be dated, signed and stamped by the applying company and sent by e-mail to the address procurement@ecovisio.org, until September 13, 2021.
IV. Selection Criteria
- Financial offer in EUR
- The portfolio
- *Experience in game development is a plus
V. Offer evaluation
The evaluation of the offers will be performed in 2 stages:
- In the first stage, the Offers will be analyzed in terms of compliance with the requirements stipulated in the announcement.
- In the second stage, the pre-selected bidders will be contacted and invited for direct negotiations on the proposed concept.
For further information, please contact us at 069 96 18 40
or by e-mail: procurement@ecovisio.org