Redirect 2% of your income tax to EcoVisio




If you are an income tax-payer in Moldova, you might be interested in the 2% law

This law enables you to annually redirect 2% of your income tax in support of any non-governmental / religious entity in Moldova registered for this mechanism (full list here). It is the simplest tool at your disposal to help a cause you care about.

Currently in Moldova, this mechanism is only available for individuals, not companies.

EcoVisio has been enrolled in the 2% donation mechanism since 2017, the first year it was implemented in our country. In the five years since then, we have used this valuable contribution to grow the 'green lungs' of Moldova:

  • 2017:

    received 1248,73 MDL, saved it for next year’s activities

  • 2018:

    received 6903 MDL which together with the 1248,73 MDL from 2017, were used to buy 120 seedlings of fir and spruce trees. These were planted in Valea Satului in December 2018, by the Seed It Forward team together with over 40 volunteers, as part of the campaign ‘A fir tree for the New Year - a new tradition’

  • 2019:

    received 11.700 MDL. A part of it was invested in 70 spruce tree seedlings, to continue the campaign ‘A fir tree for the New Year - a new tradition’

    Half of these spruces joined the evergreen forest started the year before in Valea Satului, where they were planted in December 2019 by Seed It Forward, with the help of around 100 volunteers

    All the other seedlings were bought in collaboration with several interested persons (50% of the price covered by them, 50% by EcoVisio), who afterwards planted them in many yards throughout Chișinău and other locations. Overall, about 70 people were involved in planting these seedlings, between December 2019 and January 2020

  • 2020:

    received 9,169.34 MDL

    Spent 4,545 MDL to organize a planting of 40 spruce trees (to complete the plantation from Valea Satului started in 2018-19)

  • 2021:

    received 11,098 MDL

    Spent 13,759 MDL for a water filter for the kindergarten in Riscova village.

  • 2022:

    received 9,330.14 MDL

    Bought and installed 5 drinkable water filters at the dormity of Ștefan cel Mare Police Academy which came up to a total of 18,545 MDL.

  • 2023:

    received 10,925.74 MDL

    Consumed 1992.81 MDL for the maintenance of the Valea Satului village edible forest, planted over the years since 2017, which covers an area of 2.5 hectares. Also planted here were both fruit trees, honey trees and conifers, the latter being part of the EcoVisio New Year's campaign with the aim of abandoning the "tradition" of cutting down fir trees to decorate the house for the winter holidays, and instead planting fir, spruce and pine trees to increase biodiversity.

    Another 5000 MDL were spent on organizing a training with parents and teachers (350 participants) from the Theoretical High School "Alexei Mateevici" in the town of Cricova about relations between parents and children, qualitative communication, discipline and responsibility.

  • 2024:

    received 7,183.86 MDL

    Spent 9585 MDL to purchase tools for the creation of the upcycling center in the "Gheorghe Ghimpu" Theoretical High School in Colonița village, where composting crates will be made.

    Another 5400 MDL were transferred to support the AO "Femei pentru Femei" team, whose headquarters burned down after the fire in Chisinau on 13.03.2025.

How it works

Every year, individuals can complete the 2% redirecting by submitting their income tax statement.

In 2024, you can allocate 2% until APRIL 30TH.

It is important to note that these 2% will be deducted from the tax on the previous year’s income. In other words, if you complete the procedure this year, you will actually be directing 2% of the tax for what you earned in 2023.

This procedure can be carried out in the designated period by 2 methods:
- Filing the paper tax return at one of the tax inspectorates in the region using the EcoVisio tax code;
- Using automated electronic reporting methods directly from your phone or laptop.

Here are the three simple steps to redirect the 2% online:

  1. If you have an electronic or mobile signature (can be acquired from any national mobile operator), you can submit the form online 24 hours a day via the platform in the taxpayer's personal office.

  2. Go to the "New declaration/request" option, select the CET18 declaration from the list of pre-filled declarations and enter the EcoVisio tax code in field M1:
  3. Don't forget to press the "Submit" button after signing the declaration!


Frequently Asked Questions about the 2% procedure

Will this 2% be deducted from my income?

No, as this money is not a sponsorship or a donation in the traditional sense. Basically, it is a small part of the income tax you have already paid to the state, over which you have decision-power.

In case you do not file your income tax statement or do not indicate the tax code of an organization for rerouting, this 2% will simply remain in the state’s budget.

How much time will this procedure take?

Contrary to expectations, submitting the income tax form is a quick and very easy operation, as you can see from our short video.

You simply need to present your ID card and the fiscal number of your chosen organization. The FISC employee will then give you the pre-filled CET18 Form with all your information, which you just need to verify before signing.

In case you have an electronic signature, this procedure can be done even more comfortably online using FISC’s website.

How much is 2% exactly?

Since 1 October 2018, all individuals in Moldova have a unique tax of 12% applied to their brutto income. If you are an employee, your brutto income is the salary stipulated in your work contract, before deduction of any taxes or social contributions.

If we were to consider a salary of 9,175.7 MDL*, we would have with the following numbers:

9,175.7 MDL x 12 (months) = 110,108.4 MDL
12% x 110,108.4 MDL = 13,213 MDL
   2% x 13,213 MDL = 264.26 MDL

* According to the National Bureau of Statistics, this was the average monthly brutto salary in Moldova, 2021 (the most recent data available for consulting).

What difference can such a small contribution make to EcoVisio?
We are strong believers in gifts that keep on giving and in great things achieved through small steps. Aside from the financial aspect, these contributions are a precious indicator that people believe in our work and support our mission, which is what keeps us moving forward everyday.
Can you confirm that you got my 2%?
Unfortunately, no. The law states that beneficiaries of the 2% contribution (in this case, EcoVisio) cannot obtain information about the identity of the contributors. However, you can let us know through our communication channels that you have directed your 2% to EcoVisio. We will be happy to thank you personally!

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