activEco – Sustainability in action is a program aimed at empowering youth to become active in environmental protection. The program is aimed at generating solutions and actions among young people in small communities.
It includes three work directions:
– work directly with youth through seminars, trainings, webinars and mini grants for projects;
– work with multiplicators – youth workers, teachers – to contribute to a more participative and non-formal approach hto environmental education;
– work with the general public to raise awareness about the current local and global issues that need addressing and the possible solution to them.
In 2022 the activEco program contained a series of mini online courses on the topics: Energy efficiency and renewables, Waste management and prevention, Collaborative economy and critical consumption, Alternative transport.
Likewise, events were organized to promote participatory methods and tools in ecological education, including in the southern region of the country.
Since the spring, the participants have started to carry out mini projects in their own communities. Soon the results will be presented on the Facebook page of the program. Within the project, educational video materials and images created together with the participants were created. You can access the playlist with educational videos on YouTube here, or on Facebook here.
You can find more informational materials – images, video and texts – on the Romanian version of this page.
The program was financed in 2020-2022 by DBU - German Federal Foundation for the Environment, and supported by MitOst.