Social Entrepreneurship - Make it Matter
”Social Entrepreneurship - Make it Matter” (March-October 2017) was a program for young activists who want learn, together with other like-minded people, how to make social products appreciated, develop a strategy to promote them and apply it in practice!
What did the participants of the ”Social Entrepreneurship - Make it Matter” do?
- Study and work together with other young, open people who share similar vision
- Learn, through practical activities, from social entrepreneurs of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine
- Develop a strategy for promoting social products
- Learn how to present a social product
- Participate and present your idea at the largest event dedicated to social entrepreneurship and ecological opportunities in Moldova - “IarmarEco”
Contact person: Veronica Cazacov,
Why Social Entrepreneurship?
- Because it's one of the solutions our country sorely needs
- Because every social product deserves to be promoted as such
- Because ”sharing is caring”
Learn more about EcoVisio's activities in the field of Social Entrepreneurship
Program activities:
10.06.2017 - Intro Study Visit to ”Eco-Răzeni” - ”Floare de Cireș”, in cooperation with program ActiveOrganic
More photos here.

15.06.2017 - 19.06.2017 - Social Entrepreneurship Impulse Seminar at Eco-Training Center in Eco-Village Moldova: Together, young activists from Moldova, Armenia and Azerbaijan learned how to make social businesses appreciated, how to develop a strategy to promote them and apply smart marketing in practice.
More photos here.

17.06.2017 - Social Entrepreneurship Forum
The Social Entrepreneurship Forum, in its third edition, took place on June 17, 2017, and was based mostly on the Open Space Technology (OST), which was used for discussing the following topics:
- methods of promotion for social entrepreneurship in Moldova;
- creating an attitude towards social products / services;
- techniques and strategies of selling the "story" behind social products / services.
All of those were viewed in two aspects: 1) What we have and what we don't have, and 2) Methods and solutions.
More about Social Entrepreneurship Forum.
More photos from the SE Forum III can be found on EcoVisio Facebook page.

18.06.2017 - Study visits to "Atelier99" and "EduJoc"
On June 18, 2017, participants got the opportunity to learn about "Atelier 99 / FabLab Moldova" and Social Enterprise "EduJoc - Educational Toys", as well as the stories behind them.
"Atelier99", an NGO, a community of makers and a hub with shared space and tools for bringing ideas into life, was born during an EcoVisio program on Social Entrepreneurship back in 2015.
"EduJoc" is one of the most popular examples of social entrepreneurship in Moldova, having a mission to provide every child in Moldova with a qualitative educational toy, and to encourage parents to spend more time with their kids, discovering their interests and potential.
More photos here.

10-11.07.2017 - Study Visit to Impact Hub Odessa

03-04.09.2017 - Study visits to "Dulce Plai" and "Mai Bine"
On September 3-4, 2017, the participants enjoyed a study visit to Social Enterprise "Dulce Plai" (Todiresti, Ungheni district) and Association "Mai Bine" (Iasi, Romania), to learn about their wonderful environmental initiatives and social enterprises: ”CUIB” - urban center for good initiatives & social impact cafe; ”Legumești” - emerging greenhouse for organic seeds, built of cob; and ”REDU” - fabric reuse and plastic reduction project.
More photos here.

30.09 - 01.10.2017 - Reflection and Celebration at IarmarEco
IarmarEco – the Fair of Ecological Opportunities and Social Entrepreneurship - is a social and cultural event organized by EcoVisio each autumn since 2013, which brings together main actors of environmental and social world of Moldova. It is a unique combination of a fair, facilitated networking and interactive presentations / lectures on the topic of ecological and social activism in Moldova.
The goal of IarmarEco is to inform the public about the possibilities of changing the daily routine to a more active, healthy and conscious - all in all, sustainable - lifestyle. Moreover, the fair helps the representatives of environmental sphere (environmental NGOs, enterprises, companies, state institutions) develop a common vision and communicate it to the general public, as well as introduce the concept of green & social entrepreneurship.
In 2017, IarmarEco took place on September 30 - October 1, 2017, presenting over 80 farmers, entrepreneurs and artisans, with their ecological and social products, services and initiatives. Over 40% of them were participating for the first time as exhibitors. There were over 15 theoretical and practical workshops regarding different aspects of being ecological and social. In two days, IarmarEco gathered about 1000 visitors.
More about IarmarEco here.
More photos here.

What was the outcome?
Direct beneficiaries:
- 37 participants at seminars and study visits: 31 activists from Moldova, 3 from Armenia and 3 from Azerbaijan,
- 70 participants of the Social Entrepreneurship Forum
- about 1000 visitors and over 80 exhibitors at IarmarEco
Indirect beneficiaries:
- over 10,000 people who learned about Social Entrepreneurship Forum, program ”Social Entrepreneurship - Make it Matter” and IarmarEco event